7 Things to do With Leftover Juice Pulp (Don’t trash it)

Judy Wanjiku
3 min readApr 7, 2021


You don’t have to trash juice pulp after making your best juice. The good news is that you can make optimum use of the pulp to come up with amazing recipes. The juice is good with nutrients, but your health improves better when you incorporate the juicing leftovers into your diet. Here are the things you can do with juice pulp.

Make veggie broth /soup

Juicing pulp leftovers turn your savory soups into something delicious. You’ll need only water, salt, pepper, and spices of your choice to make it.

Soups added veggie pulp gives the body fiber that helps in the digestive system. If you want to make your soup flavored, veggie pulps will do the trick for you.

Prepare baked stuff with fruit pulp

Adding fruit pulp leftovers into your muffins, cakes, bread, and cookies gives a delicious end product. The fruit pulp is a healthy addition as it adds moisture and excellent taste.

You can use beet, carrot, apple, or berry pulp to substitute ingredients such as butter and olive oil to coat your muffins. The pulp gives a great taste you’ll love.

Use it to make a salad

Juice pulp makes great salads you’ll love to munch. Additionally, use this salad while garnishing other meals to deliver a delicious taste.

Ideally, the carrot pulp is a better option compared to the beet pulp, due to its high levels of moisture. To prepare a nice salad, pour the pulp into a big bowl then add the other ingredients. You can incorporate black pepper, herbs, salt, lemon juice, or lime for better results.

Use the juice pulp leftovers to make smoothies

Smoothies taste great with the addition of juice pulp leftovers. Before blending a smoothie, put a desired quantity of the pulp then proceed. The smoothie will be thicker, milkshake-like, and full of fiber. You can’t resist the delicious taste that the juice pulp gives. Of course, it gives a wholesome diet intake, thanks to the fiber present.

Prepare pulpsicles or fruit pulp ice

Fruit juice pulp makes flavored fruit pulp ice to use on your drinking water. There’s no more boredom with plain water with juice pulp available.

If you want more water intake, refrigerate your fruit pulp leftovers to come up with fruit pulp ice. Add it to your daily drinking water as this helps in proper hydration and nutrients intake into your body.

Prepare crackers

Use your juice pulp to prepare healthy snacks that are vegan and gluten-free. The crackers will act as a snack and as a nutritious part of your diet. At the start, the juice pulp crackers can have a flat taste but they are such a healthy choice.

Crackers are long-lasting snacks you can serve during family gatherings. They blend well with guacamole, hummus, or hummus dip. Carrot pulp is recommended to produce delicious crackers.

Prepare dog treats

Your furry friend needs a treat once in a while. Juice pulp works well with dog food so be sure to add it. However, note that some veggies are poisonous to dogs such as onion, apple seeds, and grapes. Before preparing the dog treat, check out the healthy ingredients. For instance, you can consider using carrot, kale, cucumber, lettuce, celery, spinach, and pear pulp. These are harmless on your furry friend.


Buying fruits and vegetables is costly and it makes sense to use up every bit of it. After a juicing session, don’t trash the leftovers but re-use them in making delicious recipes.

Either you’ll use the pulp when fresh or after freezing them, the results are fantastic. Juice pulp leftovers can be used in baked goods, bone broth, smoothies, salads, and fruit pulp ice.



Judy Wanjiku
Judy Wanjiku

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